1. imma start like ell... t100 women >> t100 men
2. both bellamy and lexa are overrated
3. this fandom is forgetting that t100 is a scifi post-apocalyptic show and not a romance show. the existence of love & ships is itself something special when all of that shit is happening.
4. t100 has a good lgbtq+ representation especially compared to other shows. it even has more than shows like tvd,tw and some highschool shows that are kinda ships centered.
5. s1 isnt close to being t100’s best season. s4,2,3 are and probably 7 bcs 7b has so much potential and the idea of the season is something never done before.
6. people can love echo , ship becho. you can hate them but that doesnt give you the right to harass people or reply with toxicity when they say something positive abt them.
7. plottwists from clexa to bellarke or any other hetero ship give homophobia energy.
8. i like jasper sometimes but i dont love him or feel anything for him since s1. that doesnt mean i think he was annoying in s3-4 or i don’t understand his ptsd and depression i think it was a great rep.
9. im not mad at all that lincoln died if that didnt happened octavia wouldnt have the greatest character development ive ever seen and the show wouldnt progress the way it did.
10. if someone likes/loves a character that doesnt mean they support everything they did.
11. i enjoyed 7a and loved it. yes there was a lack of clarke who is my fav character but i loved the plot and the whole anomaly/planets was exciting for me. also theories like cadogans becoming reality was enjoyable to find out.
12. 7x03 is probably the worst t100 episode and 7x08 , 7x05 , 7x02 are definitely one of the best.
13. this fandom treats echo so differently they judge her for everything and sometimes thats embarrassing when their favs have done way worst. i can understand the echo dislike tho thats not what im talking about.
14. 4x10 is the best episode of the whole show. i wish we had seen another conclave i was shaking even though i knew octavia would win.
octavia winning the conclave was 100% realistic. she didnt win by fighting she used strategy she hid the whole time and she only had to fight the last one so she stabbed luna at her back and didnt fight her bcs luna wouldve def won. people mocking the show for that is stupid.
16. hating on clarke for taking the bunker before the conclave ends makes me mad. #1 : skaikru found the bunker they deserve it. #2 : clarke was the first one to tell them we can share it but they refused. #3 : luna couldve won and the human race wouldve been wiped out. dumbasses
17. i never shipped flarke or liked finn
18. saying clarke killed finn is so stupid ?? they wouldve killed him with a cruel way and torture him she saved him and stop looking for dumb reasons to hate on her you look like a fool when you say shit like this.
lexphy friendship and octaven is the biggest robbery.
20. this fandom mostly rants about what we didnt get and rarely appreciates what we got.
21. s5-6 echo was badass and great i enjoyed her backstory and her badass scenes unlike s2-4 i hated her so fucking much. for me good echo > villain echo.
22. richard and marie portrayed murphy & octavia in a perfect way it should be more appreciated. whenever you look at their faces you see their traumas idk how to describe it more.
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