
On the audacity of ‘ad bro’s’, a thread...

In the past few weeks I’ve had four ad bro’s contact me on LinkedIn offering to partner up with me to pitch entertainment strategy to clients.

Thing is, I’ve barely worked with them in the past, they have zero entertainment experience, no client intros to make & when I ask them what exactly they’re bringing to the table, they seem shocked that I’m questioning what their contribution would be.

Their answers range from ‘I’d like to see how you think’ to ‘I don’t think it’d be too hard to do, once I see your ideas’ to ‘I bet you have a great client list’

My dudes - let me translate what you’ve just said back to you...

What your actually saying is:

“I’d like to piggy-back on your momentum, steal your thinking, borrow your credibility & get in front of your clients, whilst offering the sum total of fuck all to this proposed partnership, but that’s cool, right?’

The ‘ad bro’ audacity is staggering.

Where were you when I needed intros or a bit of support?

Where were you when I was decrying the lack of visibility for women in strategy & seeking out advocates to help push for change?

Where were you when I was challenging pay gaps?

I’ll tell you where - focused on your own shit, building up your own brand, ignoring those who asked politely for a boost that you could’ve provided.

So excuse me whilst I follow your lead & do the same.

I am riding a wave of my own creation, no thanks to you & arguably in spite of you.

So don’t come crawling out of the woodwork now, instead, kindly get the fuck out of my way.
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