today i will be addressing some of the comments i've been receiving on my curiouscat regarding tommyinnit. normally, i ignore these kind of things but it's been bugging me ever since i saw it and i felt like i had to acknowledge it, so here's my statement on the situation
i never started stanning tommyinnit for his looks. old mutuals would remember how i would make threads on how funny tommyinnit is with clips from both his streams and his videos that i watched, and this was back in june before he blew up within dttwt
even now, i still make a lot of tweets about tommyinnit that isn't centred around the way he looks e.g. his sense of humour, his skill in gaming, and how happy he makes me and i don't think it's fair that those tweets were ignored
i've made many, MANY tweets about tommy's sense of humour actually because that's honestly my favourite thing about him and it's what drew me to him in the first place. the fact that all of these were ignored too is also really upsetting and strange since i tweet about it so much
the reason i showed all those tweets is because i feel like i've been misunderstood. i joined twitter for dttwt but innittwt's always been my safe space. i hate the fact that i'm suddenly being gate-keeped, especially since i've already made it clear how much i care about him
i didn't want to make this thread, and honestly i don't know why i felt like i had to prove myself to some faceless people i don't even know, but it hurts that other inniters are trying to keep me out of the community that was my safe space for so long :( thank you for reading ❤️
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