The current incarnation of this #DeFi movement has retail chasing yield, paying ridiculous fees and throwing a stupid amount of money at unproven smart contracts as they crop up.

Most don't realise, but it's an exceptional amount of risk for what is a relatively small ROI.
Meanwhile, there are other relatively unknown projects in the space that have been quietly chugging along for years, heads down and building.

#Decred's PoS Voting yields ~6.5% APR (and declining) in the form of a capped supply, fundamentally sound asset: $DCR.
#Decred's PoS Voting complements the network's Proof-of-Work, almost like a 2fa for block validation.

It also plays a fundamental role in the network's governance and CoinShuffle++ privacy implementation, enabling the growing anonymity set.
To participate in PoS Voting you'll need to have skin-in-the-game, this is done by locking up $DCR in form of a ticket, which gets called randomly through to vote.

Average time for a ticket to vote is ~28 days, but it can take up to 142 days.
With the upcoming 1.6.0 release, it will be possible to use CoinShuffle++ privacy via the font-end wallet (Decrediton) and voting service providers.

At the time of writing, 49.54% of the supply (5.85M $DCR) is currently locked up in staking.
Given the #Decred's community ethos, I wouldn't be surprised if more than 40% of the supply ends up becoming part of the anonymity set.
You can follow @TheBochinchero.
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