artist confession/unpopular opinion - i don't keep a sketch book. at all. i have no sketches. i know it's bad but i think insta/twitter with these videos of perfect sketchbooks where every page is a full illo has broken my brain to the point that i get frustrated with my -
- sketches because they look bad. and i know that's the point; you're supposed to have messy sketches and explore ideas. but my brain doesn't work like that. i basically think of an idea for long enough and then i make it fully. kind of makes me feel like a fraud cos everyones -
- always saying you should be messy and keep a sketchbook but it just doesn't work for me. anyone else feel like that?
to be clear i'm not trying to attack anyone who does keep sketchbooks full of full illustrations and posts them online - they're awesome and i love them. just saying that i find it difficult to separate the two when it comes to my own work, you know?
Wow I'm glad this resonated! Who knew being open about your insecurities could make you realise you're not so alone? Anyway follow me for non-sketch art, I also do comms - show proof you've donated to BLM, covid or other charities and you can get digital art like in the last pic
In the interest of continuing this I've filmed myself going through 2 sketchbooks to show what mine look like. I found #messyartmonday by @Pencils_Stories that shares this kind of thing, if you want you can also share by using #messysketchbook (no pressure though) vid part 1/3
Sketchbook walkthrough 2/3 #messyartmonday #messysketchbook
Sketchbook walkthrough 3/3 #messysketchbook #messyartmondays
Final note: I've seen a lot of words of agreement so it's clear a lot of us have been affected by the social media perfect sketchbooks. Do not hate on them! They're still great to look at, just understand what they are. Have fun and do what works for you! And take breaks!!!
You can follow @jimmyt_art.
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