For those thinking about installing a #COVID19 tracing app: just don't. The potential for abuse of power, hacking, data misuse is enormous. Don't hand yourself on a plate to law enforcement, black hats or (worst of all) insurance companies. #onpoli #cdnpoli 1/
2/ Take *effective* measures to minimize your #COVID19 risk: Wear a mask, follow physical distancing guidelines, wash your hands and don't get near people who are obviously sick, sneezing or coughing. If you have been in close contact with somebody who you know or suspect has
3/ #COVID19, self quarantine. These are the *effective* measures you can take against infection by #SARSCoV2. The tracing app won't work because it won't be taken up by enough people. Even if it is, the effective risk minimizing measures are still necessary and your best defence.
4/ People who use this app will be vulnerable to blackmail, either by criminal elements or by the cops or both. At least the crooks will only want money ... #COVID19 #surveillancestate #SARSCoV2 #coronavirus #privacy #onpoli #cdnpoli #abuseofpower
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