The interview with Robert Bartholomew, a sociologist and author of Hoaxes, Myths and Manias: Why We Need Critical Thinking, is most interesting.
They say: "Paedophile conspiracy theories reinforce pre-existing suspicions and provide convenient scapegoats for concerns surrounding transgender issues.”

This is nearly exactly what was amplified in recent weeks especially around the subject of gender recognition.
The Minister for Children was the subject of this 'scandal' who is pushing for legislation to make it easier to allow 16 year olds to change their gender.

The far right have used a weaponisanle term here to create a non-existent scandal.
These accusations are then amplified by far-right media to then enter the mainstream.

Their media works two ways in Ireland, they've personalities and websites.
The story is created through message boards (which was in the original article about 4chan and pizza) then amplified via media sources.

In Ireland there's The  and The B*rk*an which add to this.
There's personalities which, through their use of social media and YouTube, they further push this agenda.

They usually identify as 'independent journalist' or 'citizen journalisy'

Gearoid Murphy, Rowan Crowft are examples. Same as Paul Joseph Watson.
Through bot accounts and anonymous accounts a story is amplified and made bigger. All it takes is someone to legitimise it then.
Their newest victim has been Sinn Fein Senator Fintan Warfield. Their campaign has began has entered the main stream following bot accounts and media personalities, with Aontú joining in to attack the Senator.
This is just an example. The entire campaign is homophobic. These people and websites aren't journalists or media sources. They ram an agenda in an age where claims can be exploded to impressionable people who don't critically analyse.
Going back to the original story, "We live in a global village with the advent of social media and instant communication. It’s easy to make claims. Anyone can do it.”

These people are roaring these claims based off homophobia and racism.
My heart goes out to everyone affected by these accusations. Solidarity always to my friends and acquaintances. The far right isn't just Gemma O'Doherty. She's the cartoon. These people are a the real issue.
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