this is a disgrace of propaganda and gaslighting.

it would be truer to say "longstanding fascist newspaper, famous for once dismissing aldolph hitler's anti-semitism as "not so genuine or violent as it sounded," attempts to smear freedom seeking germans with its own sins."
remember when the moniker "pravda on the hudson" still seemed like a bit of a joke?

well this is no longer funny. this is the NYT pushing authoritarian fascism and pseudoscience,just as it did in the 1920's and 30's and just as they have done since.
some things change over time and none of us are guilty of the sins of those before us, but some things stay the same as well and just as sons can adopt the malevolence of fathers, so can editors keep the ugly slant of their forbears.

this is text from a NYT article.
leaving aside the dire miscalculation about hitler's sincerity, look at the highlighted section, because THAT is what had not changed.

it shows a belief in superiority and right to rule. the goals of the elite are too important and complex for the commoners to grasp or see.
so you must lie to them, arouse their base nature, and lead them through subterfuge to get to the correct truth: a truth that you know and they do not or cannot.

does this sound exactly like this same group of elitist would be tyrants today?

you betcha.

same song, new lyrics.
these groups of self described intellectual elites have always thought it was not just OK but REQUIRED to lie to you. it's honorable & right. they're special, you aren't. get w/ the program

did you ever wonder how these staggering liars sleep at night?

they sleep like babies
the sleep like babies because the moral system they have adopted to feed their arrogance and narcissism is orwellian.

lies are truth. ends justify means. the anointed uber-menchen have a duty and an obligation to lie to and dominate the masses.

it's for your own good.
they probably sincerely believe the lies they have formed into their very integument in order to rationalize their desire to rule by force.

they probably really believe that lying to you for your own good is a high and noble calling.

it's what makes them so dangerous.
and nothing is more dangerous to them and their world view than masses of people who will not be dominated but rather demand their natural rights as free people.

these petty tyrants rule by fear and by intimidation and misdirection.

they cannot go toe to toe with the volken.
clever bullies that they are, they know this intellectually just as they feel it as their spines turn to water

this is their deep atavistic fear: that the ruled realize their own power

and like the wizard of oz trying to keep dorothy away from the curtain, this is their ploy
this is right out of the playbooks of the 30's fascists and stalinists.

you extol your superiority while trying to marginalize mass movements with noble aims by falsely associating them with unpopular ideas and groups.
does literally anyone actually believe that 30,000 people in the streets of berlin were neo-nazis?

it's a grotesque statement and a staggering big lie (in no small irony a tactic pioneered by REAL nazis).

it's aimed at making amercians afraid to emulate this behavior.
it's aimed at making americans afraid to reclaim their own rights and liberty.

and it's as disgusting as it is dishonest

imagine how stupid they must think you are to try to pass this lie off as truth.

imagine how "deplorable" the NYT faithful must think you are to fall for it
then remember that it does not matter what they think, they they are playing against you and seek to control and suppress you, and then tell them to shove it and go do what you think it right.

think for yourself or someone else will do it for you.
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