If you have had a vaccine in the past 25 years, it’s highly likely that you are vaccine injured.
Anti-vaxxers are actually pro-health and medical freedom advocates
We used to be called fringe and fanatics but vaccine injury is real and the cause of most autism. The MSM and social media have been actively eradicating vaccine info.
https://vaxxedthemovie.com/  this movie Vaxxed does a good job of explaining vaccine poisons and the attempted cover ups. They may block this link so search for it.
Del Bigtree, a longtime health reporter, produced the vaxxed movir. This week Facebook stopped his live stream halfway through because it was telling truths about the virus and vaccines. His website is a great resource. https://thehighwire.com/ 
If you disagree with doctors at children’s hospitals, they can and will go to court to take your child from you. Look up the case of Justina Pelletier where Boston Children’s Hospital separated a family for 2 years. For more insight, check out this site https://medicalkidnap.com/ 
The list of childhood vaccinations has tripled in the past 30 years. It’s very profitable for big pharma. They want you sick so they can make more money off you.
Big pharma, insurance companies and government entice doctors with large payouts and penalties for non vaccination.
There is a petition you can sign seeking a presidential order on the right to choose vaccination. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/president-trump-sign-executive-order-protecting-persons-right-choose-and-refuse-vaccinations
Fauci has killed in the name of medicine for decades.
Vaccines are not tested for carcinogenicity. Pediatric cancer is the second leading cause of childhood death in the U.S.
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