1/3 We lost a truly great human being & an incredible actor tonight. Starting out as a horse wrangler, Willford Brimley became a versatile character actor who could do any genre; drama, comedy,horror. I’ll never forget Wilford Brimley telling me the best direction he ever got...
2/3 In his first big scene in a starring role in “China Syndrome” the dumb DP made him sit on a chair high up on blocks so the camera could show him & in the background, the machines all going crazy. But Wilford couldn’t move AT ALL! When the director James Bridges came to set...
3/3 he told the DP, “What the hell is all THIS?! Take that sh#t DOWN! He’s gotta be able to MOVE!”
“Now Will, just keep your life between that chair and this counter and I got you.”
In other words, the director TRUSTED his actor that he knew what he was doing. & Will was awesome!
Lastly...Wilford Brimley never told anyone, but after the Iron Curtain fell in Europe, he single handedly helped over 40 orphaned Romanian children get adopted and flown to the United States.
A truly marvelous human being...
Rest well my friend in God’s arms.
You done real good.
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