What like how setting yourself up as the anti-Brexit party worked wonders for you. I will never understand why parties position themselves as anti-something https://twitter.com/lbc/status/1289871886525050880
Im not saying you should not be againt something but your party should be know for its values and what you believe in. We all know that you are not Conservatives that’s just commone sense of you were you will part of the Conservative party
So why not concentrate on telling people about your values and what your believe in. With all of Nick Clegg problems he at least had the Orange book with other senior LibDem senior figures
And no matter what you thought about the orange book it told us what the Lib Dem stood for and what they believed in.
When Nick Clegg was leader of the Lib Dem and the Lib Dem were on a high I had just turned 18 and was thinking of Uni. And you know what the orange book gave me an idea on what the Lib Dem stood for.
All I know there is some spelling mistakes in this thread 👍🏾
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