Thread about another deeply wrong-headed and anti-scientific article in the spectator today that wants us all to bravely go and gather together in a pandemic so we can get paid £80 for the one wedding we’re singing in that week
why is “results” in quotation marks? why constantly argue there’s not enough evidence only to imply that any evidence should be ignored anyway because it’s just a big “government clamp-down”
what’s with the inane science-bashing? That’s right, experts in their field are exactly the same as your GCSE chemistry lessons and any results results should be treated the same
Young freelancers already struggle to pay rent because freelancing comes with no job security, concert fees haven’t increased in decades, and rent is far too high. Young freelancers were already working 2nd (+3rd, 4th...) jobs, even “laughable” ones like being a delivery driver
those problems won’t be solved pandemic or otherwise until we treat musicians like real workers with actual rights and actual salaries and actual job security rather than promoting the vicious literal gig economy in which only the sharp elbowed survive
being a freelancer is already immensely stressful and demoralising and I say this as someone who has at least a part time salaried singing job! The pandemic has *exacerbated*, not caused this issue.
How does wearing masks make a mockery of church? Why pretend that you’re being reasonable when you aren’t? WHY BRING JEREMY CORBYN INTO IT??
YMG is about the only person who regularly writes about choral music in an opinion column sense but basically everything she says is brain-meltingly stupid so I don’t know why I even bother with this
more salaried jobs for musicians plz and also UBI so we can make the music we want and don’t have to pretend that singing If Ye Love Me for the 736th time is the reason we chose a career in the arts
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