Heyo! Been working on something a little different than my usual illustrations. Been neglecting more conceptual works (vs fan art) and wanted to fiddle around with an idea I had for a while. It will have Halo as a basis, but won’t be restricted by such. (THREAD)

I wouldn’t really call this a ‘game concept’ per say, rather a mishmash of ideas that happen to have some gameplay elements which may allow the design to be informed in some way. Not sure when it started but I’ve always been fascinated with games predominantly (cont)
featuring sand, therefore the obvious choice was for it to have a central presence perhaps as a sort of foil for the main blokes. A key reference were the laser guardian tower construct thingies on Sandbox that ruined many hours of attempting to grab the skull via bubble shields.
I bounced back and forth between two ideas for the setting, but opted for a glassed planet that had cooled down for some more potential. Sharp objects and degradation could be considered to be the main themes for this place which can come in the form of environmental hazards.
Another mechanic I wanted to somehow implement were consumable armour plates to counter the constant barrage of shrapnel going your way, plus things flying off characters are always fun to observe. Initial thumbnails focus more on the base spartan, something that could be reused
The second set of thumbnails explored various forms of armour layers that could be detached at will (or blown off like a Brute's), more akin to a prototype or last ditch effort to improve the existing shielding protection
With sizes ranging from large shards of metal to sand particles, advanced ‘space fabric’ was a potential direction. This also allowed opportunities for material breakup as well as a more tangible indicator for damage as strips of fabric rip from the player’s view model
As usual I underestimated the difficulty in designing a set of armour, let alone the individual accessories. Not super happy with the final result but I’ll likely come back to it in the future. Next steps would be looking into smaller scale equipment or other races
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