Mark: Doyoungie hyung bought the Melona cake and we were eating (when someone suggested that) the person who loses rock paper scissors gets smashed in the face by the cake. Those who have seen the photos will know that Doyoungie hyung got caught
Mark: Doyoungie hyung got caught, but the cake was an ice cream cake so the inside of the cake was cold and frozen, but a promise is a promise and a game is a game, so we smashed the cake in his face daringly! But, after that happened to Doyoungie hyung once, we were all
taking photos and laughing at the side, and we thought that it’d be a pity for it to end with just one round. So we suggested another round, and Doyoungie hyung came back after washing his face. But the cake already had an imprint/shape of Doyoung hyung’s face and we were going
to go for another round with that exact same cake. Then we started and I was nervous but~ But we thought that it’ll be funny if Doyoungie hyung got caughg again. To be honest, when Doyoung hyung went to wash his face, we kinda planned (to make him lose again) but Doyoung could
see that it was planned so he was like “I’m not doing it! x 2” So the rest of us were like “okay okay, let’s do it for real for one more time then” BUT! Doyoung hyung got caught again!! At that time too, life really... how... there must really be an entertainment god
So in the end what happened was that Doyoung hyung got cake smashed like this! The cake was depressed/flattened even more and Doyoung hyung went to wash his face again. Was that the end? After smashing the cake twice, I’m not lying about this - these are all facts! So after
two rounds, the cake was ruined but we still felt that it was a pity (to end there) so we suggested doing a forehead flick for the next round. And even for the forehead flick, I’m really not lying, it was Doyoungie hyung who got caught even for the forehead flick!
Really... we didn’t even plan that! Woah... So yesterday, while it was funny we were also like “woah”...... Anyways, so we did the forehead flick, the forehead flick was fun in a different way from the cake smash too. We did one more round for the forehead flick, and it wasn’t
Doyoungie hyung but Haechanie who got caught. It was really funny when Haechanie got caught too! Anyhow, it was really funny, it was my brithday, but I was a side (character). Yesterday during midnight, Doyoung hyung was... ah really. So I was able to spend a birthday full of
laughter right from the start. For real, I laughed until my stomach hurt yesterday
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