‼️‼️‼️I recently set up a short survey to validate my thoughts about whether or not "typical" users would take time out on their own to actually try to understand what it is a brand's logo communicates (if at all it does communicate anything) https://twitter.com/cfowlerdesign/status/1289696983205023744
The whole idea of making a logo communicate is to make aware to you prospective users what it is the brand actually does. My survey proved that this is somewhat futile. I asked participants to mention 5 brands they love and admire (brands whose service or products they use)
Afterwhich i asked them if they had ever taken time out to actually try to understand what it is the Brand's logo may be communicating (emphasis on the first few times they may have come across the logo). Most of them said NO, for everyday products o☠️
As for the very few that said YES... I went further to ask if they had already heard of these brands and their service or product even before they came across the logos. They ALL answered YES
This just affirms the fact that people pay more attention to the Brand's service/product than they do it's logo. All they need the logo for is to put a face to the brand. It is the service that will benefit them, not the logo.
As users, our understanding of the service/product our favourite brands offer comes from our contact and experience with the said service/product, not their logo.
Logos are primarily for Identification. As a business owner if you think your logo (which was designed to communicate what your brand does) will Infact communicate what your brand does to most or all of your prospective users, you are heavily mistaken.
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