Can I just say: of course women can be #autistic. Obviously there are autistic girls and women.

Those male gatekeepers, desperate to make autism all about them, are the worst sort of misogynists. Block 'em on sight; we don't need those guys.
This shouldn't have to be said but unfortunately there is a distressingly large number of autistic boys and men who hold *extremely* misogynistic views. Pretending they don't exist is no good: they are there and they're doing damage.
I think (hope) it's mostly a case of them having very poor male role models and the insidious effect of online bigotry - in which case we need to try to improve things moving forward. Part of this is losing the daft idea all #autistic people are angels.
If you come across one of these fuckers in the wild, feel free to tag me and I'll try to engage with them. Gotta try, if I've got the spoons. But please don't engage with them if you're tired or stressed as they are EXTREMELY toxic. Like Uber toxic.
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