If you were going to weaponise trans rights and turn them into a political tool, you'd need to create a polarised situation. This worked for Brexit, so it would seem fair to think that it would also work here. There has already been some suggestion that senior Tories want this.
Polarity cannot come from listening and engaging, but only from toxic attacks and bitter engagement. Most protected characteristic do not create conflict (except where religion has succumbed to bigotry).
I do not believe trans rights are as conflicted with the concerns of many women as the current state of this debate would have you believe. The main division comes from the automatic labelling and dismissing of people which is often toxic.
This labelling and toxicity will ultimately backfire on the trans community. That would be a regressive step. I haven't tweeted on this issue before because of that very toxicity, but that cannot be right. That toxicity only creates the polarization that leads to weaponisation.
If we as a society do not listen to the concerns of both sides of this argument in an open way, and take a step back, something will break, and I believe that breakage will harm the very community that are only just achieving meaningful recognition.
It's very easy to label someone transphobic because it's easier that asking the question 'what is the real issue here?'. Meanwhile, the people who are most likely and with desire to cause real harm to trans rights are building a base of support (created via polarised toxicity).
And once that is in place, going back to re-achieving hard won rights will become much harder. I believe people on both sides of this debate have more common ground than they realise, but the toxic gulf is widening every day. It is time to stop the widening of the gulf.
It's time to stop, think, ask questions, & listen with an open mind. If you think this thread is transphobic, as many will, you've entirely missed the point. Entirely. If you think listening and asking questions is weakness, or accepting perceived bigotry, you've missed the point
I genuinely believe that those shouting loudest in this debate are hapless tools in a plan to politicise this issue to cause more social division and a further lurch of the nation to the political right. The Labour Party in particular needs to tread carefully to avoid this trap.
The Labour Party can do more to level the playing field for all members of society (and ensure everyone on both sides feel safe) if they do this with open ears. If this becomes a political weapon, we all suffer.
My final request here is that this thread is read with an open mind. If you cannot, will not or already feel affronted, please remember the words in this tweet. It contains a prediction of the future that you have helped to create. And that would be unfortunate.
You can follow @Jeromesh68.
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