hi F1 twitter, wanted to address the fact that you can be born & live in a bigoted culture where racism is acceptable, but you can also understand your privilege and biases and work towards mending the way your culture thrives if you just try to unlearn it and educate yourself
to make that easier on me, and anyone else that is trying to understand what taking the knee is about and why it's important to do it, I'm linking a few articles to this tweet.
Hope this helps!
1. This article is about where the practice of taking the knee came from, what it represents and why it doesn't sit right with some of us. It sheds light on the history and relevance of the movement. https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/voices/the-psychology-of-taking-a-knee/
I truly hope these articles helps us, me included, understand the need for protest at a time like this and aid us in pushing anti-racsim protest forward.
Feel free to send me articles you think I should add to this thread!
Thank you, love you, have a nice day ✨
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