a proper thread of all the bangerz playlists i have made because why not.
1) 2000s cute bangerz: for when you want to get lost in the streets of some weird foreign city with lipgloss, a hot pink hat, weird unlooped belts, faded denims and a boy in a shiny leather jacket/graphic hoodie and colored plastic sunglasses. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2U9TfG6eswzaj28M4C8X7S?si=jjjcIrvnSEuewIqq_qj3Xg
bollywood jazz bangerz w @newbahlance: pretend you're a wise, heartbroken, well dressed millionaire in a mysterious, tobacco laced, leather furnished jazz bar with a glass of wine/bourbon in a noir film. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4A24YmLCweuhWZDjq1bHhG?si=nE5nfklcSUy8TjMsSHXGaA
dramatic nazaakat bangerz: drench yourself in your own adaah and Make A Big Deal Out Of Everything™. all eyes are on you. your outfit is trailing behind you for several feet. you're ethereal, and you know it. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/147pRJ6GwlTrOPM1NMAnps?si=RPAJlnM9QrCC-2fHedGFvQ
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