“Feminine solipsism” refers to the tendency of females as a group to generally not have a well-developed ability to think outside of her/their own experience and perceptions.

The quotation below is a perfect example of how it manifests itself in society.

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“Solipsism” is a philosophical concept that only one’s own mind is sure to exist, implying that one cannot know anything outside of their own mind.

A solipsist would therefore belief that it's only their own experiences & perceptions that exist, and thus can be known or matter.
“Feminism” is the highest form & manifestation of “female solipsism”. This is demonstrated by its interpretation of historical intergender relations.

A Feminist can only see history from the experiences & perceptions of the woman, because that is all that exist in her mind.
In a feminist mind (or world) only women exist, and thus only their experiences exist and can have any value.

Feminists will walk over (or perch their soap boxes on) male corpses to find their “oppression”, as demonstrated by the quotation above, because men are invisible.
“Female solipsism” is the reason why you can live in a country where 8/10 people murdered are male, but have feminists categorise the murder of the 2 victims as the biggest crisis.

It's the reason why feminists run campaigns such as “poverty is female”, cos men are invisible.
Lastly, “Female solipsism” is why Noma Gigaba can destroy the property of her husband, & have feminists sympathize with her, but would have called Malusi (or any man) a “misogynist” influenced by “toxic masculinity” if he did the very same thing under the very same conditions.
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