"You go to war with the Army you have."

This is the army I have, that I stand with, that I will walk through the fire with. Geniuses, mistfits, troublemakers, thinkers, and sometimes all of those rolled into one.

A thread:
James Lindsay @ConceptualJames of the grievance studies affair. After getting a Phd in Math he left the academy and proceeded to crack the code of wokeness.

He's brilliant, he's articulate, and he is a good man of high character. There's no one else I'd rather follow into battle
Helen Pluckrose @HPluckrose worked on the Grievance Studies Affair with James. She became one of the world leading experts in the academic development of wokeness by reading their literature on her own time. She is brilliant, she is tough, and an amazing resource.
Peter Boghossian @peterboghossian is the third member of the Grevience Studies trio.
A philosopher from Portland State University he was subjected to awitch hunt by SJW's for his work with James and Helen but he's tough as nails and didn't back down. I'm proud to stand with him.
Bret Weinstein @BretWeinstein is a biologist and thinker who came to fame when woke activists picked on the wrong guy. He didn't give an inch then and won't now He's tough, principled, and rigorous. It's a privilege to stand with him
Heather Heying @HeatherEHeying is a biologist and thinker who came to fame alongside Bret during the evergreen affair. She's tough as nails, utterly brilliant, a terrific thinker and careful academic. I'll fight with her any time.
(it's the same pic cause they're married)
Mike Nayna @MikeNayna Is a film maker and thinker who was able to film both the evergreen affair and the grievance studies affair. His fascinating documentary on evergreen can be found on his youtube channel.

He's fantastic, his work is excellent, and I'll stand with him any day
Benjamin Boyce @BenjaminABoyce was a student at evergreen and produced the most thorough breakdown of the evergreen affair. He hosts a youtube channel which is great for understanding how it all fits together.

A terrific thinker and utterly selfless, I'm proud to stand with him
Helena @lacroicsz A detransitioner (former trans person), she now builds online communities to help young people who got caught up in gender ideology to detransition.
Brilliant, fearless, and a fierce critic of wokeness.

I am thrilled she's on our side
Jordan Peterson @jordanbpeterson is a man who needs no introduction. A psychologist from the University of Toronto, he has been a tireless advocate for individualism and a return to proper education.

This man is brave, courageous, and brilliant. Glad he's on our side.
Andrew Sullivan @sullydish Is a journalist and writer with bylines in every major publication you can think of. He is a terrific writer and in recent years has made a name for himself defending liberalism and enlightenment principles.

Proud to stand with him.
Neil Shenvi @NeilShenvi is a Christian thinker and teacher with a background in science. He has made wonderful contributions by teaching people in Christian communities about the dangers of allowing wokeness into their institutions.

He's a good man, and I'm glad he's with us.
Bridget Phetasy @BridgetPhetasy is an author who has been published in The Atlantic, Vice, Huffpo, Playboy and numerous others. A tireless advocate for a return to sanity after wokeness. she's fearless, hillarious and her pen is gold.

I'll stand with her all day long.
Mikhaila Peterson @MikhailaAleksis is Jordan Peterson's daughter. She has her own podcast, but the reason she's on this list is that without her, we would not have him. She saved his life. The story is amazing. She's tough, made of different stuff. We're lucky she's with us.
Thomas Chatterton-Willilams @thomaschattwill Culture critic and author of Self-Portrait in Black and White and a writer at The New York Times Magazine. He's a creative and thoughtful thinker, advocate for liberalism and fighter of wokeness.
Glad to have him on our team
John Mcwhorter @JohnHMcWhorter is a linguistic professor of English and comparative literature at Columbia University. He's a brilliant academic known for fighting against identity politics from the liberal perspective.

Intelligent and engaging. I'm proud to stand with him.
Dave Rubin @RubinReport Dave is an interviewer and youtuber who walked away from his place on the left after disagreements with illiberal tenants of wokeism forced him to rethink his place in public life and the political spectrum. A free speech advocate, I'm glad he is with us.
Christina Sommers @CHSommers Christina Marie Hoff Sommers is a philosopher. She wrote Who Stole Feminism? and The War Against Boys. She has stood tirelessly for academic freedom and freedom of speech.
She's a tremendous asset to our side. I'll ride into battle with her any day.
Coleman Hughes @coldxman is a writer for Quillette and contributer to the 1776 project. A brilliant young man he showed up on the scene as an articulate and brilliant thinker while still in college. I'll stand with him everyday of the week.
Claire Lehmann @clairlemon Is the founder and editor of @Quillette she's a journalist who has sought to give a platform to rigorous thinking which has difficulty finding a hearing in the stultifying environment of many long form publications.

I'm proud to stand with her
Helen Joyce @HJoyceGender has a Phd in Math and is a journalist who works for The Economist. She is a tough but fair fighter of wokeness. I can hardly wait for her forthcoming book on gender.
I'm proud to have her with us.
Kyle Kashuv @KyleKashuv The most controversial choice, and perhaps the only Republican on this list, Kyle was baptized by fire when he went through a shooting, got a law passed, and felt the wrath of Cancel Culture all in about 6 months.
He's a fighter, and I stand with him.
Matt Taibbi @mtaibbi is a ] journalist and writer. He has bylines all over the place and is known for focusing on holding people in positions of power to account for how they use that power. From Trump, to Bush to the Clintons, he takes no prisoners.
I'll gladly stand with him.
There's so many other people I can put in this group. Don't feel left out or upset if a name is missing, I didn't forget about Joe Rogan.I can just hear people asking "What about Steven Pinker and Ben shapiro and..."

Yes. That's the point isn't it?

There are a LOT of us...
The other point is I didn't choose any of these people for the battle, and half of them didn't even choose themselves. They were forced into this when attacked by woke colleagues. Jordan Peterson and Bret Weinstein are 2 examples.
So I didn't pick them, and they didn't pick me.
But, when it comes to fighting off the suffocating illiberalism of wokeness, this is the army I get to go to war with. This is the army I have. And I will gladly stand beside each and every one of these people and walk directly into the fire.

and by the way....
I'll take my rag tag group of mistifts over the countless clones of cookie cutter, woke, imitation, academics running around larping a revolution. And I will do so gladly.

I love this thing we're building.

Let's go.
I am so sorry to anyone I missed. There were so many names I just had to cut it short. The thread was gonna be over 100 tweets long!!!!
Please feel free to add anyone that I missed under the thread and RT them so nobody gets missed 🙂
You can follow @wokal_distance.
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