FFXIV NPCs on social media:
Haurchefant: that one mutual who likes, retweets, and comments on everything you post
Estinien: joined years ago, 1 post that says 'I live'
Aymeric: verified, keeps retweeting food photos, all comments are by diehard fans
Hien: travel pics, nothing but travel pics
Magnai: posts poetry, romantic quotes, lists on what makes an ideal woman
Sadu: trolls Magnai with pictures of shirtless men
Yugiri: only referenced in Hien's pics
Gosetsu: cannot figure it out, types like he is trying to google stuff
Thancred: keeps posting pics of his family, deleted all the party pics from his youth but the internet never forgets, does it
Urianger: lengthy twitter discourses about literature and cool science facts, has his own vlog, speaks only in paragraphs
Y'shtola: refuses to use social media
Minfilia: Motivational quotes guru who keeps retweeting your posts
Alphinaud: keeps DMing you about things
Alisaie: pics of her rock-climbing in the craziest places
Ryne: puppy pictures!!!! and desserts
Gaia: quotes lyrics from her favorite emo songs, and desserts
G'raha Tia: pics of archaeological digs, also keeps DMing you
Crystal Exarch: the silent retweeter/liker, occasionally posts things that sound oddly familiar...
Emet-Selch: deploys an army of bots to troll people constantly
Lahabrea: tweets when he's on the toilet. Literally anything that crosses his mind. There are petitions to ban him on twitter.
Elidibus: owns the platform
WAR: twitter rants
DRK: constant griping
PLD: lists and lists and lists and
GNB: tweets about concerts

WHM: nature pics
AST: galaxy pics
SCH: library pics
MNK: action shots of martial arts
NIN: looks like a normal account...is actually a hitman
DRG: alternates between pics that trigger your fear of heights or pics of them in the hospital
SAM: Japanese aesthetic pics
BLM: out on the bomb range again
MCH: progress shots of the battle bot they're building in someone's garage
BRD: renaissance fairs
DNC: artistic professional photos of dancers
RDM: combo fencing and historical reenactment
I forgot Cid and Nero rip
Cid: professional engineering photos and talking about how tech improves lives
Nero: 'Well, actually...' comments on all of Cid's posts
Gaius: used to tweet, stopped tweeting mysteriously
Zenos: guns, hunting videos, keeps inviting you to come with him
Varis: verified, posts only imperial decrees
Solus: verified, memorial post, previously posted imperial decrees and retweeted theater shows
it's late I also forgot SMN

SMN: nothing but cute pet photos and training videos
Alpha: Anything and everything trading cards
Omega: *beep*
Hancock: trashy salesman who only friends you to gain more exposure and get more hits on his post engagement counter
Tataru: nothing but food and good-looking men but everyone knows how nice she is
BLU: got sucked into a MLM scheme, keeps trying to sell you stuff, any DMs sound like they're copy and pasting a script
Fray: only gets on to encourage you to delete all social media because it's bad for your mental health, reminds you to drink water, and threatens anyone you don't like
one more...

Ysayle: posts anti-Holy See propaganda featuring videos of herself making grand pronouncements about truth, justice, etc, but one time the internet spotted a stuffed moogle in the background and now no one can let it go
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