1/3 I recognize that it may reveal my unconscious racial bias, and I certainly think he is accountable for the abuse and discrimination that existed in his program, but I can’t help but feel that Kirk is a deeply good person. https://twitter.com/bigtennetwork/status/1289366728686747650

I really want to see him move forward into a final phase of his career that features a healthier Hawkeye program and solidifies his on-field legacy.

Give us “New New Kirk.” Prove that tough conversations are constructive, not destructive, that they can help us get better.
3/3 That said, there obviously remains the asterisk that the well being of his student athletes comes first. There’s no more wiggle room, he knows what. Now we’ve got to see tangible results.
PS: Pretty much stating the obvious in this thread, but I think it‘s worth saying sometimes. We’ve grown to love and respect this guy. He also has to address a glaring failure of his athletes. Both can be true, it’s alright to be confused and even cautiously hopeful
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