Re: style/fashion and neurodivergence

I love bright jewel tones but they are exhausting after a while. Guess what is never tiring for my brain to look at?
Likewise, velvet and similar textures are incredibly stimmy and happy feeling for me.
Jewelry is stimmy too. Leggings are super comfy. Dramatic makeup is art and a special interest of mine.
Goth music is very stimmy! It sends me into a calm happy place. (Metal makes me incredibly happy but not usually calm lol) So I’m not just Goth because I have a vague “liking” for the aesthetic and music or “want to be cool”. It’s DIRECTLY CONNECTED to my neurodivergence
Seriously tho if you want to see me totally chilled out and happily stim dancing, stick on some Clan of Xymox and watch me go
(If you want to see me completely jazzed beyond belief, heart-eyes, headbanging and singing my lungs out: Nightwish)
I hope one day I can get a good corset because I think the pressure from that will feel AMAZING also it might provide some relief for my back
Oh and btw I have never in my entire life given a solitary flying fuck about what’s “cool”. I like what I like. I bounced onto Twitter determined to just be myself, and you all seem to like that - which is great!!!! but being popular is not why I do anything ever
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