how do i join the techno stan fandom pls im having so much nostalgia crying over his old videos back in 2016 and i need to gush about the old shit he did to someone and how he was such an inspiration and how i literally held technoblade up as a role model when i was twelve jfc
as much as i hate to say it technoblade changed everything for me, he essentially made my sense of humour and speaking style much more dry and sarcastic and just brought me so much joy as a kid and made me feel like i could do anything and just seize the day, just like he did
from the good ol' days when he was still in puberty and i watched his videos in an excited, late night binge as my dumb tweenage brain dreamed of greener pastures as a minecraft youtuber. the dude was a fucking legend and his old skywars videos just have this sense of nostalgia.
i admired him, tbh. his self confidence really helped me grow out of my shell and made me who i am today. technoblade was a role model and i always dreamed of emulating him even when playing with my friends as a kid, to no avail (as evidenced by my shit k/d ratio)
he reminds me of when everything was simpler, like a friend who'd say they hated you and jokingly belittled you but at the end of the day, genuinely cared and wasn't an egotistical dumbass
i remember my parents telling me to turn the volume down one night when i watched the BSG videos from what now seems like a lifetime ago, and how he seemed so young, seemed so, me. i saw myself in his teenage still high pitched voice and every dumbass thing he did
he always seemed so smart and had a "master plan" not just for games, but for his life, and I kinda craved that back then, to have an actual path and a plan. i saw myself in him and i wanted him to succeed even as techno began to fall with the dark ages of PvP in 2018
and when he finally surged back onto the scene in minecraft mondays, i nearly fucking cried. watching the pig god go from 110k to almost 1 million in a few weeks just made me so happy and that despite his cocky self, i still felt like he deserved it
as much as i wouldn't like to admit it, that 16/17 year old dumbass with a burning hatred of french and a doge picture on the hypixel forums made me laugh during my darkest times and quite possibly saved my life once or twice. he was who i wanted to be, who i felt like i could be
from the old stories he used to post on hypixel forums, which i dreamed of writing a good continuation of, to how he had this charm that made him stand out, and his expert minecraft skills of course, i felt like I could've been him, and that drove my writing process to this day
techno is a major part of why i still write my stories to this day, and why i still have dreams of being a semi mc youtuber. was idolizing him as a kid not conducive to my growth as a kid? probably, but goddamn did he make my childhood an absolute riot.
and now techno's just gone so far, from the trump supporter video (which sparked my political awakening) to the long prophesized elbow reveal and he's even gone past 2 million subs
techno, i know you won't be a minecraft youtuber forever. you'll move on to doing what you loved and still love: writing. faced with kings, demons, they inspired me so much as a kid and made me feel like i could and should continue writing, if only to impress techno senpai
But when do you do quit, and move on to greener pastures like writing (I know you'll fucking break the NYT bestseller list someday), just know that your videos changed some people's lives. i will stick with you until the end, and ,

thank you, so much for changing my life.
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