Remember my previous peers from a year ago? Which included some with like 1000+ followers. I've seen a few of them that barely have engagements and I see how they react like "Come on guys, is it even worth it anymore? :("

Haha, I used to have 800+ followers. Grow up.
I feel like Twitter is adding a little toxicity in my blood :p
I feel like I could just, idk, pour a little salt over the others here who were and may still be ignorant. Twitter is an efficient place to find messed up people, and chatting gives you a better idea of em.
Though I have also found some nice pals through Twitter. I'll try to count how much...well, definitely not over 10 I still keep up with lol. I mean, a few I met through other media. Though Twitter still does work, I'll give it that. Just saying, Amino might be better who knows.
Discord I suppose has brought along some messed up people, I mean. Yeah, it's bound to. I remember this time where I was 14 and this 18 year old was there and y'know we decided to be like "oh let's date" and everyone else (from twitter) was like ???? that's okay???
Hypocritical if you ask me. And *I'm* the crazy one :p
Kids, don't get with 18 year olds unless you're like 16 or older. Be smart, not like an ex-friend who liked to go pedo chasing. And please, call out grooming when you're able to detect it :p silence is still your fault
Anyways, have these raccoons if you've read this thread. You deserve it.
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