1/13: Following the introduction of the 1997 #AgedCareAct which abolished all economic & staffing accountability, was the 2013 euphemistically called 'Living Longer Living Better' reforms which led to a greater commercialisation of the sector #LLLB
2/13: Catchphrases and a PR campaign using ‘choice’ and ‘control’ as the drivers were used to justify further intense marketisation and a greater shift to user pays under the #LLLB reforms #agedcareRC #auspol
3/13: The greatest deterioration of care has been since the introduction of the market based #LLLB reforms by #MarkButler which were progressed with great vigour by Fifield & Abbott govt #auspol #agedcareRC #auspol https://formerministers.dss.gov.au/15712/professor-peter-shergold-ac-to-chair-aged-care-sector-committee/
4/13: In 2014, further changes made under the guise of the #AgedCareRoadmap & #RedTapeReduction plan were enthusiastically pursued by Fifield & Abbot govt. During that time there was rapid deterioration in an already flawed system #auspol
5/13: As a result, our regulatory system was gutted to ‘reduce red tape’. Success in accreditation rose to an incredulous 98% in 2015/16, despite accounts of appalling levels of staffing & care failures #auspol https://www.agedcarecrisis.com/images/ar/ar_acsaa_2015-2016.pdf #agedcareRC #auspol
6/13: The reduction in regulatory effort can also be seen in the declining number of visits to troubled homes. Many complaints made to the regulator were due to insufficient staffing or care, yet no one went to look. #agedcareRC #RedTapeReduction #auspol
7/13: The rigour & effectiveness of our #agedcare regulatory framework has been the rock on which its legitimacy has rested & each time that rock is found to be illusionary, there is a rush to prop it up, defend it & patch it #auspol #agedcareRC
8/13: Community were led to believe that the regulator was responsible for detecting problems in the system, but responsibility had actually been handed over to #agedcare providers themselves http://bit.ly/2CQ5Ddj  #auspol #agedcareRC
9/13: Residents & families have depended on the #agedcare regulatory framework to see that there were adequate numbers of suitable staff to care for them #auspol #agedcareRC
10/13: No political party or the #agedcareRC seems to want to address the unhealthy relationships, #RevolvingDoors, perverse influence, lobby groups & the effects these have on staffing, care & policies #auspol https://twitter.com/search?q=RevolvingDoor%20(from%3Acorpgovresearch%20OR%20from%3Aagedcarecrisis)&src=typed_query&f=live
13/13: Policies have been unravelling in #agedcare for 2 decades. This and other elephants have been present in the room at every inquiry and the #agedcareRC. They need to be addressed and brought in for wide community debate #auspol
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