Piece of advice for up and coming content creators: Don't start a Patreon until you've been running your channel for a while and already have a decent following.

Here is a thread on why.
If you start a Patreon immediately after you start your channel or before you know a decent number of people will be willing to donate it to you, it might look like you're kinda desperate or you're only making videos to try and earn money, even if that isn't true.
I ran my channel at a loss with no ad revenue for two years, all to try and build up a following. I only started a Patreon when I knew that a lot of people were watching and enjoying my videos and wanted to support me monetarily so I could make more content for them.
Because I started the Patreon when I already had a following, that meant that a lot of people joined immediately when the Patron went live. This meant no one had to break the ice and become the lone first few Patrons, and because the numbers were high from the start...
...I imagine that was a factor that enticed more people to join afterwards, since they saw that so many other people were doing it.

Of course having good incentives is important too, but these are just some of the reasons I think holding off on starting a Patreon is a good idea.
And for the record, no, I'm not making this thread in reference to anyone specifically, I'm not trying to call anyone out on starting a Patreon too early. I'm just trying to give advice from my experience growing my own Patreon.
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