a thread of questions to answer if you're bored and love luke hemmings <3
natural or bleached?
favorite song to watch him perform/sing?
favorite tattoo?
favorite luke bromance?
favorite nyfw outfit/look?
favorite suit?
favorite makeup look?
what about him inspires you the most?
what is your favorite 5sos lyric that luke sings?
favorite guitar he used during wwj?
favorite silk shirt?
what do you love most about him? (besides everything, give a detailed answer)
what personality traits do you have in common with luke?
if you could sit down and have a deep conversation with luke, what would you want to talk about/tell him?
if you could hear luke cover any song, what would you want him to cover?
what is one thing luke has taught you?
what color(s) remind you of luke?
what 5 words would you use to describe luke?
what is luke's most underrated quality?
what 5sos song do you think compliments luke's vocal range the best?
what is your favorite quote from luke?
if you've seen 5sos live, have you ever interacted with luke during a show? (for example: looked at you, waved, laughed, etc)
if luke was to be featured on any bands/artists' song, who would you want to see him sing with?
just to clarify i do fully support 5sos and this isnt meant to discredit the other band members this is just a thread of questions about luke and its not meant to be harmful or anti-5sos in any way <3
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