After reading his "clarifications" he has a stance that is "spiritual life first, worldly concerns second". in my experience in ministry/community work, no one wants to hear about Jesus when their lights are off and can't afford food. 1/
To address someone's spiritual state but not also address their real life experiences/how they walk through and live in our world isn't genuine and doesn't produce Christians who want to do the work here on Earth. These systems that Neil find to be of little importance 2/
Are what determine how people experience the Gospel. These systems place the Gospel/church in a certain lens and you won't grasp peoples hearts without truly engaging with their lived experiences. Jesus actively preached against the systems that held up the pharisees 3/
because it effected how people viewed God and their faith. The same is true today. It's impossible to preach a loving God/savior but also say "these systems that make your life near unbearable are just par for the course. Focus on your spiritual self". It's unfair 4/
Not only to the work Jesus did but also the marginalized communities (past and present) that Jesus has a heart for. That He calls us to have a heart for. Jesus was a protestor and it wasn't silently or always peaceful. He recognized whole people and we should do the same.
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