❗️ My take on xenogenders: ❗️
Xenogenders don’t feed into stereotypes against trans people and they don’t make trans people seem like a joke. Xenogenders are also not ableist as most people using them are neurodivergent. Xenogenders help people feel more comfortable with their +
identity, including trans and neurodivergent people in the LGBTQ+ community. There is nothing wrong with providing a safe space for others. People who hate on xenogenders are not going to stop these people from using those pronouns. People who are transphobic are disgusting, +
but xenogenders are not the reason why people are hateful towards trans folk. Sadly, there might not be much we can do to change transphobic people’s opinions. Xenogenders are not the tipping point that caused transphobia in the first place. It is a hateful and discriminatory +
mindset that causes transphobia. If anything, transphobic people are using xenogenders as an excuse to hate trans people. By saying xenogenders hurt the trans community, we are letting transphobic people get away with this fake excuse. It is vital that the trans & the LGBTQ+ +
communities support everyone in them, including people using xenogenders. How can we combat transphobes if we let xenogenders (which aren’t harmful) be the reason why the trans community isn’t united? We need to support our fellow LGBTQ+ members to foster a strong community to +
fight this outside hate. If we support xenogenders, than we are sticking it to transphobes and saying trans people don’t need their validation. Trans people are valid without transphobes validation. Why would trans people want to have people who hate them, support them? +
By not supporting xenogenders, you could potentially be letting transphobes win and divide the trans community. The trans community needs support from other LGBTQ+ people and it needs to have a strong foundation from within. This is why we need to support xenogenders.
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