Okay so this feels like something that should be addressed. Basically, unironic misandry and homophobia directed at men is becoming a problem in the queer community.

Hear me out on this.

Let me also tell you why that's actually a very bad thing, ESPECIALLY for trans people. https://twitter.com/walmartpunk/status/1289685774577803265
So, if you go and look at the QRTs on this tweet and the other mlm/wlw solidarity tweet, you'll find a fuck ton of lesbians and queer identifying fems, as well as NB people, saying they don't want solidarity with men, calling gay men vile/disgusting/f*gs/etc...
This anti mlm anti male mindset I think is a product of not understanding what the patriarchy really is, and how it relates to everyone (differently, obviously). You're not a good feminist for saying men are bad and horrible and disgusting just by nature alone.
Contrary to the beliefs of these people, the patriarchy affects EVERYONE negatively. While men benefit in many, MANY ways, that doesn't men they are by nature oppressors that are directly upholding the patriarchy, ESPECIALLY not leftist men.
While women experience violence and sexualization and aren't respected, men experience isolation, emotional repression, and toxic standards. Patriarchy affects all of us. This is coming from a trans guy, I've seen both sides, I've experienced misogyny, I've experienced privilege.
This misunderstanding is a problem I see that leads ppl to become TERFs. When you say shit like "men bad" or whatever in your own spaces where everyone understands what you mean and that you don't actually think men are inferior, cool, great, but when you use this language on..
Broad platforms like Twitter, people who don't yet have an understanding of intersectionality will see that and take it at face value. It's nice to bash on the oppressing group every once in a while, but these values if left without nuance leads to borderline fascistic views
On biology, on how we should deal with these 'inferior' groups, etc... I do genuinely believe that these people in the qrts really fucking do hate men, and think they're by nature irredeemable and toxic and inferior.
News flash, patriarchy as we know it is another arm of the right wing, perpetuated not by all men directly, but only by CONSERVATIVES directly. Right wing views are the only thing propping up misogyny at this point, not all men by some strange biological reality.
I hate to make this argument, but maybe saying "men bad" in activist spaces (as opposed to safe spaces), where left leaning people can be turned onto the idea that a specific group of people who DID NOT CHOOSE THEIR FUCKING GENDER is the reason for all their pain.
We choose our values. I promise you, the left leaning man isn't the one hurting you, the conservatives are, conservative women too, every fucking one of them. Our problem isn't men, it's men with right leaning values. Our problem is women with right leaning values.
I'm absolutely disgusted to see other leftists in these replies being directly anti men, not just like punching up type shit, but beating on GAY MEN just for being male, saying directly that men are inferior and women shouldn't associate with them at all, rejecting male allyship.
This sort of belief that oppression isn't intersectional, that there is only men bad women good, not only starts to get homophobic and transphobic, but can become SEVERELY racist as well. I'd like to hear some of these people call black men systemic oppressors with privilege over
All women, including white women and NBPOC women (and non-men). Intersectional feminism is what keeps feminists from becoming racists, TERFs, and mlm homophobes. These QRTs are all from people leaning on the very edge of that.
Now, let me explain why this is directly harmful to trans people.
These people clearly hold the belief that all men are by nature bad. If someone was to engage with the "all men bad" rhetoric before they had trans people explained to them, this could lead to them believing in biological essentialism regarding sex/gender.
That means multiple things:

• Trans women are now men pretending to be women to harm cis women, because they're 'biologically male' and testosterone poisons their brains to be sexual predators, and even on estrogen their brains are still somehow wired male.
• trans women have male privilege, and aren't persecuted at all. This is obviously false, I dare anyone to call trans women privileged over cis women, this is DEMONSTRABLY false in every statistic taken, from sexual assault rates to murder and abuse rates, and many more.
• trans men are bilogically female and therefore victims of the patriarchy that 1. Don't have male privilege because they have xx chromosomes and (but not always) a vagina, even if they pass as male and nobody knows they're trans.
I need you all to realize that this is a problem for EVERYONE in the queer community, I need you all to realize that when you say shit like this, it's directly harmful to LGBT men, especially trans men, and indirectly but prominently transfems too.
We already feel like shit when we come out because masculinity is genuinely hated in many places within the queer community.
Nobody's telling you to stop making the men bad jokes in your own non-male spaces, just like nobody's telling black people to stop saying white people are bad. It's the lack of nuance in each statement that alienates an important part of the population to the cause of fighting
Sexism and anti racism. This language alienates both moderates, as well as other queer people. This is why you see so many reactionary trans men, because when you're surrounded by people implying that your gender is intrinsically bad, you cope in terrible ways, w/ terrible views.
There's so much more I could say on this, so much more nuance I could add, but I guess I could sum it up with this:

the fact that men benefit from the patriarchy in many ways

as well as the fact that left wing cishet/black/queer men aren't your direct oppressors

can coexist.
Y'all aren't doing the woke shit you think you are by hating mlm/nblm. This anti mlm anti men shit makes me genuinely want to die. The screenshots I posted before were only a FRACTION of the shit.

Here's the only two pieces of valid criticism I found in both posts.
I should clarify: individual men can commit acts of sexism, but that's not the overarching problem here, women are fighting rn for legal rights to autonomy, this is SYSTEMIC.

Sidenote: those preserving the patriarchy can be conservative & trans, gay/men/women/anything/POC/etc.
The thing that ties them all together is their shit ideology that harms the trans/gay/female/POC conservatives too. Yet they're still the ones propping it up. Just as much at fault as the cishet white men that get all the privilege.
The way all my leftist transfem wlw friends, two of which are black are saying that this post is great, spot on, etc... 🥴 Y'all can't just say this is some white boy shit. Engage with my arguments, otherwise just leave.
Muted the thread, sorry if I don't or didn't respond to you though, but I can't hold hundreds of convos at once, I'm just one person.

Last thing though: all the people criticizing me seem to love to leave out the fact that I'm trans, framing me as just some lefty cis man.
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