Hey, y’all!

Here are some tips on how to multiply your value and advance your career in record time.

This is gonna work for you, your friend, aunt, and neighbor. Pretty much anyone in a white-collar position can benefit from this.

This is a 🧵, so let's get started!

The most important thing you can do is to ✨increase your technical competence✨

I’m talking about technical skills. I’m talking about becoming better at what you do.

And show it off! Yes, you are humble and whatnot, but don’t be mute.

Sell yourself!

In a close second, ✨improve your personality and ability to communicate✨

This will pay off faster than anything else!

Are you shy? Work on that. Work on your confidence and assertiveness.

Learn how to sell your value, and communicate your worth.

To round yourself up, ✨improve your problem analysis skills✨

They are paying you to solve shit for them. The better you become at this, the more everyone will love you.

Learn how to break down complex problems into bite-sized solvable chunks.

And solve them!

Now that you made yourself better, you need to ✨actively add value and take initiative ✨

Don’t wait for things to happen. Don’t wait for people to show you where the problems are. Go after them!

This is probably the simplest thing you can start doing today.


And of course, you want to ✨become the “go-to person” ✨

There’s hardly anything else that will get you more attention than becoming “The One” in any room you are.

Pick something — a project, a tool, whatever— and don’t rest until you are the expert.

People will follow!

There’s plenty more you can do, but if you start here, you’ll see your value as a professional increase month after month.

And they will notice. And you’ll get rewarded.

Remember: Small steps, steady direction.

Now, go and blow their minds!
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