hey, stay? can we help arohas out? calling all stays to help vote astro
#StrayKids #STAY
would you guys mind helping out to? ik astro deserves this, i used to stay up all night watching their choreo and listening to their songs just captivated by it
you guys know how important it is right? pls pls pls help me support arohas
yall have some power so im includinh you guys, but i know your busy streaming inception...
ill end this thread by tagging kpop and arohas, please kpop fans dont let arohas loose hope,,,
#KPOP #kpopstans #KPOPFans #ASTRO #AROHA
if you see this thread please like an retweet so that arohas can gain more support,, its nearly 2am for me and im usually asleep by now but im too scared that if i stop it wont be enough... please spread this so i can go to bed đŸ„ș
we just need a lil more, ive been watching adds and doing as much as i can to gain coins to vote, but there are limits to what i can do please help us out, ya?
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