I'd love to start a "what's the worst advice you've ever been given" thread for chronically ill people, but we all know it's yoga.
(Also, yes, this is a joke. I know that people have gotten much worse advice than yoga -- just maybe not as frequently. [<= That was also a joke.] But FYI: yoga IS actually dangerous for some folks!)
Hey pals! Can't keep up with the comments today, so pls consider your righteous indignation "liked". As ever, in solidarity with all you magnificent chronically ill and crip/disabled folk navigating abled nonsense!
I can't respond to everyone (because omg!) but just to clear things up: this tweet isn't about yoga. It's about ableism. It's about the patronizing and invasive interactions chronically ill/disabled people endure. If you think it's about yoga, you've missed the point.
Standing and breathing... Do you see my wheelchair in my photo? Let it go. What works for me is not yoga and not advice from strangers.
And PS: not everyone actually has physical control of their own breathing. So reducing yoga to breathing in order to make the argument that yoga is a universally accessible practice in fact proves that it is not universally accessible. 🤷‍♂️
I will truly never understand why nondisabled people care so damn much about whether or not complete strangers are doing yoga. Is it really that important to you?! Get a fucking hobby.
Lying on my back is actually not safe. I am not kidding. Like this is exactly the dynamic that I was gesturing towards? Also, even if lying on my back and breathing and calling that yoga was safe, it wouldn't change my mutant genes, so...? Like why do people care so much?!
Standing and breathing... Do you see my wheelchair in my photo? Let it go. What works for me is not yoga and not advice from strangers.
And PS: not everyone actually has physical control of their own breathing. So reducing yoga to breathing in order to make the argument that yoga is a universally accessible practice in fact proves that it is not universally accessible. 🤷‍♂️
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