*sigh* Christ on a cracker. Because of course.

Can I offer some advice to future virtual or hybrid conventions? It's not great to have the audience IN the Zoom with the panelists. For this reason. That chat is distracting.

It doesn't have to be this way. https://twitter.com/laviecestmoi/status/1289760693407723520
Several of the virtual cons I've attended did the thing where they had a livestream people could watch and either the chat was in that livestream or it was in the con Discord, NOT in the meeting where we were. Much better.
Yes, this means you need an extra person whose job it is to get questions from the audience in that other place. Now, this could be the moderator, and the way you make that possible is that you, the mod, tell the audience: We will take questions at X time, don't send any til then
And I know that virtual moderating is new for a lot of folks, so please take this tip:

You do NOT have to pass on every question to the panel.

One of the best things about virtual panels is that we don't have to listen to "This is more of a comment than a question..." and also>
< we don't even have to entertain bad questions.

Yes, there are bad questions. Sorry fans who think every question should be posed. Some of y'all ask uninteresting, boring questions. not even getting into the offensive ones.

As a virtual mod you don't *have* to pass those on.
Pick and choose! use your discernment! Find questions that slide well into one another. SKIP THE BAD ONES.

That's all for now.
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