In the last couple of days, I've seen a lot of Mizrahi Jews using a similar languge to that of Americans when talking about discrimination happening in Israel making an analogy of how Jews that belong to a certain category complain about their experiences of discrimination is the
same as "white" people in the US saying they can also be oppressed, this doesn't make sense because as a response SJWs point out they are the majority, they use it in terms of a hierarchy of oppression while Israel lives in a different context whereas that group of
Jews, aside from not being white, they are a minority in Israel. The point of this thread is not to say that Ashkenazi Jews are oppressed and Mizrahi Jews are not, that's not the point, I actually believe nobody is structurally oppresed, anyone regardless of what group they
belong to can still experience discrimination, not even merely just based on skin color, and that doesn't mean that an individual belonging to [instert any group] and facing discrimination means his group as a whole is discriminated.
My point is to also highlight that no one should dismiss their individual experiences with discrimination.
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