It is very likely that one of the biggest hot spots spreading COVID throughout the US could be Las Vegas.
In Las Vegas, casino owners and local officials say they don’t worry about creating hot spots because the hot spots “won’t be here.”
What do you mean? I asked a prominent health care person in Las Vegas?

“With no conventions, average trips here are now are 2 days, not a week. Whatever people get here, they bring back home with them.”
Do you have any contact tracing so you can see where things are coming from?

“Unfortunately not.”

So if people go home & have it, can it be traced back to Vegas?

“Maybe. But people go from casino to casino & no one wants things traced to their casino.”
So you guys may be spreading cases throughout the country?

“It doesn’t matter anyway?”


“We are never closing again. Under any circumstances.”

“We had the lowest unemployment rate in the country before the pandemic. Then we had the highest.”

So screw the rest of the country?

“Well, yes I can see how how you could look at it that way.”
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