how does togami smell - a thread
i mean he might wear expensive cologne, i wouldnt be surprised
or he doesnt wanna waste all his money on smelling good so all he wears is deodorant-
i mean ofc his hair would smell like shampoo- i hope
or he just smells sexy

like that sexy rose scent u get what im sayin?
maybe shampoo, deodorant, sexy rose scent and expensive cologne combined???? idk,,
possibly everything but the expensive cologne
idk but i know for a fact that byakuya doesnt smell like remus
i wonder if toko would make a novel out of this
but then again she already knows how he smells
back to the point

maybe he smells like a normal human being???
ig its possible, hes a human too.
just a really rich one
anyways i have a feeling he smells like deodorant, shampoo, expensive cologne and sexy rose scent
thanks for reading this pointless thread, and good night.
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