Blue lives matter is RACIST! Just bc we are saying BLM doesn't mean we don't think blue lives do. Just bc I say save the turtles doesn't mean i think we should kill all the other sea animals. POLICE ARE NOT DISCRIMINATED AGAINST! BUT BLACK PEOPLE ARE!
#BlueLivesMatters #BLM
So maybe blue lives matter isn’t racist, but it is covering up the black lives matter movement. Some people who are saying blue lives matter are people who do not support the blm movement, and are therefore using blue lives matter to say “hey, police get killed too!”.
Also any police officer who dies while working, while it is sad, they chose that profession, George Floyd did not chose to be black. They CHOSE to be a police officer, and they knew the risks when they CHOSE that profession.
And I am terribly sorry for offending any police officer or his family. While not all officers are racist, quite a few are, and if you believe all police officers are saints, open your eyes. Look around you. I do believe some officers are good people,
but unfortunately in the world we live in, not every officer is. Once again, I am truly sorry I was not incredibly clear on my point in my first tweet, let me know if there is anything else you would like to inform me about, or any other problems with this thread.
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