*PICK A SIDE* a thread

We need to realize we have lost the culture war. Don't believe me look around you! The music industry, Hollywood movies, every major TV network, MSmedia (print, radio and TV) ALL levels of education, Big Tech (google, facebook, Twitter), all forms of Art
is all owned by leftists, they even own the federal bureaucracy. Many of the 60's radicals have been in education, congress, Hollywood, big tech, corp and media for decades. We didn't pay attention then they had kids. Then they had kids. We have to put much of the blame on us.
We became so comfee in our lives just wanting to be left alone to work and raise a family. We quit going to school board meetings, town meetings. The MSM lied and brainwashed us into thinking many things that were not true.
They demonized us, we retreated into our lives farther, praying it would go away. It never did, it got worse. We worked hard and paid for entertainment, movies, music, sporting events, bars, comedy shows, Art, etc thinking i needed this after a hard day, night or week.
What we have been doing for decades is using our hard earned money to fuel the destruction of the county I and so many others love and would die for. We have run out of time, the Marxists burned Bibles which reminds of the Nazi's and the Night of Long Knives.
If you choose to side with America I am asking that you stop putting your hard earned money towards anything that fuels the destruction. There is a list in this thread of what i believe has lead to the destruction of our culture which is one of the 45 goals to destroy America.
If you choose the other side please let me know and unfollow me. I will not waste anymore time on people who want to destroy our way of life and America.

Thank you for reading ....... Please for the sake of America RT
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