This AIRBORNE PLAGUE sucks. If we would all just stay at home and be ingenious enough to figure out how everyone can work in this situation, we could beat this virus. But, it requires teamwork. And, if there’s one thing Americans don’t know how to do, it’s work as a team. 1/
In my dream world, all the unemployed customer service workers, who are great at working with the public and talking to people, would’ve been trained in contact tracing; a job people can do at home. 2/
Beginning in March, ads would’ve been on TV about the benefits of wearing a mask. We could’ve offered people $1 for every cloth mask they sold as a reward for making masks. The same could’ve been fine for gowns. 2/
I would’ve used the frigging ventilators President Obama and Vice President Biden left us. That one stings a lot. It’s like they wanted the Medicare, Medicaid, SS, and medically expensive people to die or something. 3/
Anyone reading this thread is thinking, that’s exactly what I would’ve done and I would’ve also done X. Why? Because this is literally what anyone would’ve done with half a brain. Imagine if Donald and the GOP would’ve incentived Americans to come together 4/
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