cancer, scorpio, pisces🌊
looks like your small circle got even smaller, or it will be soon. you may have found out that somebody around you doesn’t care for you in the way they were claiming to and although you don’t openly admit it, this hurt you a lot. you’re deepening bonds -
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in your current connections, i feel all of these people are being weeded out to show you who is going to be in your corner longterm. many of the people around you now are apart of your soul family, you’re looking to finally plant the roots you’ve always dreamed of-
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growing yourself and you have the correct people around you to invest in. allow the dead flies and trash to take themselves out in august, continue to find ways for creating stability and abundance in your present moment. it feels like you’re out of the storm -
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that’s been following you around for quite some time now, some days are still rainy but each day offers more sunshine. i also see you’re looking to put an end to any self destructive habits that cause you discord, allow yourself the temperance to outgrow them. -
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it may take longer than august to implement these changes, but you’re being encouraged to keep outgrowing the things that hold you back. you’re limitless water signs! some people can’t see to keep your name out of their mouth, you can either tend to your garden or-
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fight with a martyr who doesn’t even know what they want. the choice is yours. either way, you’ve gotten your priorities and support system on lock and you’re further developing these bonds during august. enjoy the harmony around you.
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