I see that people are starting to use #ThankYouAlpharad, and as flattering as it is, it feels very odd to be worshipped by strangers for essentially just doing my job.
I appreciate the kind words a lot, but I feel like most of the praise is undeserved. Give yourself more credit!! My content didn't "cure" your depression or anything like that. You simply found things that make you happy and that should be praise YOU deserve.
A lot of these stories are people saying how I've always been like a "friend" to them. I try to keep it as real as I can, but that doesn't mean we're anything more than "viewer" and "creator," as harsh as that might sound.

I just think that this is very important to stress.
I genuinely love making content and want you to enjoy that content, but that's sadly where the relationship ends for the most part.

I've always tried to keep these boundaries up because I feel like it's healthier for everyone. Anyways, I don't know how to end this thread so uh
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