Humans really are self-centered, in the literal meaning of the phrase. I wish I knew how to elaborate more on what I mean but I’ll just give examples and perhaps someone more articulate can put it into words for me.
We see the difference between 2020 and 2010 as much bigger than the difference between 1920 and 1910 *because* we live in 2020. The further back or forward we go, the smaller that 10 year difference seems to be bc the further it is away from us.
The distance between New York and California probably seems much larger to Americans than it does to non-Americans. We Americans (at least northern) see ourselves much further away from Mexico than we see Australia from NZ. It’s because we’re here so the distance seems greater.
None of us cared as much about corona as we did when it finally reached our area and posed a threat to us and the people we know, despite it affecting strangers the same exact way it affects us, and despite all people being equal to us and sharing similar fears and values.
The causes we tend to prioritize most are the ones that directly affect us or our loved ones, despite other causes equally or even more greatly affecting others and their loved ones. Basically, the more something has to do with us, the more we will care about it.
What inspired me to write this thread right now:
Seeing a video of someone releasing helium filled balloons into the sky. That’s clearly terrible for the environment, but bc the balloons will land somewhere much further than we are and bc we won’t see the harm done, we don’t care
I think as humans we should strive to remove ourselves from our self centered nature and try to be God-centered, as much as possible.
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