Aight man, Imma say it because I can do so without being labelled a racist. BLM is a fraud. Hear me out, you may think I’m wrong but this is how I feel. The actual name is wrong lmao. Black Lives Matter? No shit, as ALL lives should. Both black AND white.
Some black people these days are embarrassing, because they keep bringing up slavery like they know shit. Our ancestors were slaves, not us ffs. Just like white people today aren’t colonizers because their ancestors were. Nobody should face any consequence of slavery today
Slavery is the past. Accept it. We came after a messed up era. So just try to make a better future where everyone is treated equally and respectfully, and let’s stop pulling out the victim card and mention “white privilege” any time we don’t get what we want.
Saying racist shit about white people in general makes you just as bad as the racist white people. Racism against white people exists, let’s face it. Every time a white person gives a slightly unpopular opinion on something from a black person “sHuT uP yOu’Re WhItE”
That’s exactly the shit I see y’all doing on HHT so don’t pretend that ain’t true
We won’t earn our respect if we start behaving towards them like their ancestors behaved towards us. A black person can be racist. A white person can be racist. The ethnicity of the victim doesn’t matter, it’s still racism.
Look, whenever a black person gets killed by a white cop, we talk so much shit. But white people, Asian people, Muslims and everyone suffer from it. We’re only so vocal when it affects us. Don’t pretend to fight for equality if you aren’t willing to stand up for EVERYONE.
I’m not saying they’re wrong for standing up, I’m just saying that their true intentions are messed up.
And to be clear, this is NOT a copypasta. I meant every single word. might’ve expressed myself in a confusing way, however my main point remains the same. If you’re gonna call me out before reading, then you’re equally part of the problem as the racist people.
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