Is anybody but me bothered by the fact that Willy Wonka imported his entire labor force from another country and he never allows them to leave the factory or be seen in public?
Let's remember, Wonka supplied chocolate bars to the entire world. The company is huge. There has to be thousands of Oompa Loompas working in that plant. Yet we don't see them in town, in the stores or pubs of this town?
They make chocolate and sing songs to please Wonka all day
Does Wonka even pay them? How would they cash their paychecks? They never leave the factory. Does Wonka have a breeding program for Oompa Loompas? Surely they don't live forever. Are there even female Oompa Loompas? They all had low singing voices.
How is the government not investigating what goes on at the Wonka factory? You have a couple thousand foreign workers all working and living in the same building. And what about labor unions? How does Wonka keep the labor unions out of his factory?
I see people on twitter talking shit about Grandpa Joe. Not a peep about Wonka. Wonka sounds like a monster to me.
And why were there no Wonka golden tickets sent to Asia? South America? Or Africa? Seems a reasonable allocation. One Wonka golden ticket on each of the 5 populated continents.

Apparently it's no Asians, Africans or Hispanics need apply.
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