big boss manlet theory: a thread
(image evidence)
(text evidence)
big boss has a higher heel line then other characters because he has wedges, and for good reason: he's short. (1/?)
i watched over a dozen game clips (mostly from the most reliable game in terms of height consistency, mgsv, because of its realism) and paused, measured, size corrected with perspective lines, etc., all to make sure my big boss manlet theory checked out. (2/?)
mgs4 is the ONLY time where big boss is naturally tall. in fact, he's a manlet up until mgx, and from then on, he miraculously grows a few inches. as for ocelot, kaz, and v, i found the dimensions of in-game objects and animals and found v's height first. then, based on (3/?)
those measurements, i measured kaz, and then referenced the huey torture scene to get a good look at ocelot's height standing next to kaz. i lined the three up by their heel, and finally, i used the ending of mgsv with big boss and ocelot to get a good look at how big boss (4/?)
and ocelot compare in terms of height. you can see the result of that on the following image: (5/?)
i also checked the photograph of big boss, the medic, and kaz, removing the added height of his wedges and kaz/medic's boots. i got the same exact result as you see on the height lineup in the image evidence section of this thread. (6/?)
once i had proper scale, i used my initial measurements with v and his animals to determine the exact heights in feet and centimeters of everyone else. also, to add, in mgs3, eva is -5'4". snake is about an inch taller then her according to the scale of objects in (7/?)
the game. my theory has checked out since 2004. (8/9)
in conclusion, big boss is indeed a manlet based on my extensive research.

don't trust the wiki, it's a projection of the villain=tall trope and has no backing whatsoever.
thank you for your time.
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