Trump wants to ban TikTok for the same reason he wants to postpone (cancel) the election.

He's afraid.

Young people despise his outright bigotry, and how he empowers others to spread hate.

We're coming for him, on TikTok, in the streets, and at the polls.
He sees an army of young people, wide awake to his bullshit & mobilizing to reject it.

We've trolled his rallies.
We've marched in the streets.
Now we're taking our protests to the homes of politicians who stand with him.

And we've just gotten started. 
Trump knows that over the next 94 days, we are going to make his life a waking nightmare.

At the end of it all, we are going to march to the polls (or our mailboxes), and vote his dusty ass out, along with as many of his Republican collaborators as we can.
And Establishment Democrats? Once Trump's gone, you're next.

You saddled us with a Democratic presidential candidate we despise, after decades of capitulating to the unmistakable evil of the Republican Party.

You and your feckless leadership do not represent us.
We're on that long arc shit, and Biden is just a tool to kick Trump out of the White House.

Get ready for four years of hell from a generation of angry young people agitating daily until the Democratic Party supports the progressive policies a majority of its voters already want
We're fighting for a Green New Deal.
We're fighting to Defund the Police and the military and to Abolish ICE.
We're fighting for Medicare for All.

We're fighting for justice.

Until then? No justice, no sleep. 
You can follow @sunrisemvmt.
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