Hey, if you know a teacher who might not be super tech savvy, and has to do online schooling this Fall. Maybe reach out and offer tech advice if you know how to do that stuff. I'm gonna give some tips that SEEM obvious, but apparently they aren't
Sound quality: reduce the echo in the room as much as possible. Cover the walls and floors with blankets. Sounds stupid, but it helps the audio so much
When streaming: disconnect all other devices from the internet. Your streaming device will have a stronger connection
Lighting: ring lights will heat up your room & reflect off your glasses. Get a soft light or one of those therapy lights. Pop that above the computer, and YOU'LL POP. White & blue light it best. Yellow is bad. Also don't sit with a window or lamp behind you. Backlighting is a no
If filming on an iphone or ipad: you can buy cheap wide lens attachments that clip onto your device, so you can fit more on the screen without having to stand super far away and lose audio quality. (If you sit at the edge of the screen, you will look distorted though)
They also have ipad and iphone stands for cheap on Amazon. Keep the filming device at head level or higher. And the less blank space above your head, the better.
Again, I know this all sounds stupid. But I've been helping a few teachers that I know, and this is the stuff they asked about. They shouldn't have to worry about this stuff, but having a nicer setup makes filming and streaming a little less stressful.
Add any extra advice below, and maybe relay some info to a teacher who might want some extra help. That's all. Okay bye.
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